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Cyber metal | Established 2007 | CZ | Facebook

Prague-based cyber metal orchestra, and one of the few Czech cyber metal squads in general. Also, another band signed under MetalGate Records, which is with us for almost all of its entire existence, and come to think of it, ours as well, since MINORITY SOUND were the third band to join with us. And to tell the truth, it is fascinating to watch the evolution of their music, the last incarnation of which is the 2015 third studio album “Drowner’s Dance” that moved from purely cyber metal to distinctly orchestral planes and thus served a truly epic take on the last days of mankind. This year, the mastermind of MINORITY SOUND Otus hit our stage with his solo project only to return next year in force with his home band, which by the way recently celebrated their 10th anniversary and laid waste to Mexico on their tour earlier this year. So, if you did not manage to wish them well, now is your chance!